Seeing Me

Vision Test 2020: Second Look Revelations



Who did I become this year? Is it who God wants me to be? Is it who I want to be?  How did I get here, and what will I do about it next year?


At the end of every year these are the questions I’m essentially trying to answer, but to answer them correctly other questions need to be answered first.

Every year is a continuation of the last built by how you processed the past year and your decisions about what you’ll do about what you discovered. Whether consciously or not we each look at our lives and decide what the culmination of experiences mean. That decision determines what the next chapter of our life will be and the articulation of our story to that point. We can paint a fairytale, a mundane monologue, or a horror story. But whatever story we tell is the framework for the plot we’ll live out and becomes the motivation for our execution. The story we tell ourselves about what we’ve experienced determines how we’ll live our life from that point on.


What I See Clearly

The inventory of this year can only be correctly assessed from a healed perspective. It’s in taking inventory- intentionally focusing- that our perspective shifts, and we truly see the benefits and drawbacks of our journey. I call it my vision test.



Second Look Revelations

It’s the lack of vision that causes us to stumble, delay, and derail. I believe a vision that hasn’t been tested is one that can’t be trusted. It must be examined for inaccuracies and blind spots to make sure the first assessment was the right one. A second look brings surety and confirmation. It solidifies direction and increases focus.

What we see at first glance rarely is all there is to any given situation. A second look helps to fully get the benefits of all the lessons. It’s in the second look that God has the opportunity to shift our perspective and position us for acceleration. Look again. It’s worth it.



The Vision Test

At the end of every year, I pose questions to myself based on the areas I feel impacted my life the most. Time, talent, purpose, pain– my relationship with these things marked my year. But before I answer the questions, I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me the truth of my experience.



For me, this is one of my most treasured offerings. When I have nothing else, my time is my own, and I guard it. What I give it to is what I give my heart to. It’s not always used in the most valuable ways, but I’m working on that.

So much of this year was me rushing to get to the next moment. My time was mine, but I can’t say I always recognized its best use. I got a lot done and even did most of it well, but I don’t think I reaped all the benefits from the time I spent. There was more to gain, but I didn’t slow down long enough to get it. Your ideal efficiency has a tempo. There’s a pace you’re meant to live at in each season that allows you to do what you’re meant to AND get all the benefits- but that’s a lesson learned in time.


  • How did I spend my time this year?

  • What did I truly accomplish? Was it what I planned?

  • What happened this year that was out of my control?

  • To what did I devote my unhurried attention? What moments did I rush through? What were the consequences?

  • What got my undivided attention the most this year? Does this need to adjust next year?

  • What was my greatest time waste this year? How can I better protect my time next year?

  • For the return I see, was my time invested wisely?




This year was a different type of pain. I think I mourned what could have been more than any other year. It definitely was a new perspective. Instead of having to process the pain of experiences, I had to resist taking on pain from what I thought I should have experienced. One was a pain inflicted that should be processed, and the other was meant to be resisted. This year I learned how perspective can reduce pain. So much of my processing pain has been reactive, but this year I practiced a proactive approach.

Some levels are more painful than others but my perspective of the pain determines if I get the benefits and the lessons of its purpose.


  • What caused me the most pain this year?

  • What was my worry to peace ratio this year? Was I truly at peace or just avoiding or distracting myself?

  • How did I deal with the pain? Did this help me heal, or was it a distraction? Did I run from the pain or face it?

  • How did I cause myself pain this year?

  • What existing pain points did I discover in myself this year?

  • How did I cause someone else pain this year?

  • What did I learn from my pain this year? Did any blessings come from my experience?

  • What did I think most about this year? How did God address this concern? How did I?




There are often talents we have that we don’t credit ourselves for having. We think it’s our personality or we make excuses (ex. This is so easy anyone could do it), but your skill, your character, your habits (etc.) can be evidence of talent. Look at yourself clearly. Don’t excuse away your strengths- acknowledge and celebrate. Your talent will never fully develop if you don’t value it.


  • What talents did I discover in myself this year?

  • Did I strengthen the talents I already knew about or waste them? How?

  • How much did I invest in learning this year? Who was I focused on learning from?

  • Who or what helped me grow and develop most this year?

  • How did I use my talents this year? Did I use them for the purpose they were intended?


Every year my goal is to be more authentic. For me, those who are authentic have harnessed the power of their greatest talents so I devote a part of my vision test to assessing this.


  • Was I fully myself this year? Did I shrink, overcompensate, wear a mask, or present a false version of myself?

  • Did I operate in my full power this year? Did I fully believe and act on the truth of who I am and what I’m meant to do?

  • What needs to change for me to improve next year? 

  • What is my vision for who I am becoming? Was it created by me or by God?

  • How does my becoming benefit others?



I’ve found that my most impactful years have been a combo of intentional growth and seemingly accidental blessings. That is the discovery of life. When you focus on intentional growth, God matches it with lessons that bring blessings that seem to happen unannounced.


  • Was my purpose my priority this year?

  • Did aspects of it become clearer? Did I devote time to seeking God about it? Do I need to continue or make an adjustment next year?

  • How did I live out my purpose this year? What results do I see?

  • What did I learn about myself and my purpose this year? Did I resist any new levels?

  • What was my response to God this year? Did I force or flow? Did I surrender or take control?

  • Did I learn to trust God more this year? Did I exhibit more faith in action?

  • What did my purpose cost me this year?

  • What problems did I encounter this year? Was a solution presented for them?

  • What prayers were answered this year? What am I still believing for?

  • What areas of my purpose make me uncomfortable? How will I address this?

  • What changes do I need to make to operate more fully in my purpose next year?

  • Both fear and favor are doors that give access to your life. When you look at the evidence of your life this year, What door did you open most?



 A Message to You

So much of our sight is tied to revelation. We see based on what we understand. However, open we are to revelation reflects our sight’s limitations. Want limitless vision? It starts with believing there is more to life than what you see and think. Then it requires making it a priority to discover the more that’s waiting for you.

You have to devote time to seeing clearly. Plainly put, you have to look to see. So many of us walk around blinded because we never take the time to look at our lives and see what is there. We are so focused on action that we move to do without getting clarity on what needs to be done. I invite you to look, assess and decide what you did so you can see what needs to be done.

This year God told me He would bless my pursuit. That which I went after with everything in me He would match my effort and bless it. What will you pursue next year?


My prayer for you is that you walk into 2021 with eyes wide open. I pray God clarifies your sight, and you use your time, talent, purpose, and pain wisely.


«Consider This»

Now can you answer the overarching questions about the year?

  • Who did I become this year? Is it someone I planned to be? Did I take a detour? Do I want to continue on this path?
  • How did I get here, and what will I do about it next year?
  • What other questions do I need to ask myself to correctly assess my year and test my vision?
  • Did you see any revelations by taking a deeper look?

Let’s have a conversation about this. Share your thoughts below.