My Story

To make sense of this blog there are a few things about me you need to understand.


1. This Blog Is An Act Of Obedience

First things first I didn’t want to do this blog. Honestly, I was completely against it and I drug my feet on it for about a year until God pretty much gave me an ultimatum. I thought I had a very strong argument for why this was a bad idea, but like usual God didn’t care about my logic. I’ve always liked the background and never really wanted to be out front. In fact, I purposely chose a career path (marketing and public relations) where I could be the puppet master pulling the strings behind the current.  This blog is taking me WAY outside of my comfort zone but I crave obedience more than comfort so here I am.


2. I Think Vision Is Essential

Of all the times I was frustrated, sad, confused, scared, angry or felt lost in life there was always a common denominator- my vision was off. Every mistake I have ever made I can attribute to not seeing the situation, myself, others or God clearly (it was usually a combination of these). So now clarity is my goal. Clear sight is my prayer. My heart’s desire is to clarify my vision and to help others see a little clearer as well. That’s what this is all about.


3. I Am A Spiritual Sponge

One of the most impactful prophecies I’ve ever received I got when I was in middle school. The visiting pastor called all of the youth to the front and then he spoke these words to me.

You are a spiritual sponge. You soak in what is around you and pour out when the time is right. 

These simple sentences brought my life into focus and in an instant who I was made complete sense.


Side Note: After this, my sisters started calling me Sponge Lain Round Booty. (This was their HILARIOUS take on Sponge Bob Square Pants.)


I am a noticer, a storyteller, and a spiritual sponge. God draws my attention to the obscure and seemingly insignificant things, I soak up His revelation and tell whatever story is meant to be told. That is what you’ll find in these pages- life filtered through God and translated by me. I vow to be honest, discerning and to pour out all that God has given me. 


4. This Is Not About Me

It seems like everyone is trying to be an influencer. My social media is flooded with people vying for attention and trying to be self-important and the last thing I wanted was to be lumped in with this crowd. Please never mistake me for a member of the Look At Me Society. I don’t need more attention. I don’t think that I’m so smart and that people need to listen to me. This blog is about God and it contains the things He tells me to share. These are lessons He gave and words of wisdom He shared. The only part I have is being the one to share it.


5. The Lens Through Which I See Life

My relationship with God has affected my viewpoint as deeply as anything else about me- my race, my gender, etc. It is essential to who I am and I can’t see around it. Honestly, I see through it. It is the frame that shapes my life and the filter through which every experience is processed. You will see evidence of it in every blog. Its influence exists in every word. Let’s be clear though that my relationship is mine. My intention is not to convince you that it is right for you. I encourage you to get to know God and will happily discuss Christianity with you but at no time will I pressure or persuade you to choose God. This blog is a compilation of the truths I have acquired that have helped to clear my sight. Make no mistake about it, my faith is the foundation for every truth I have ever and will ever discover. If you ask me, no truth exists without it.


6. I Thrive On Connection

The hardest thing about this blog is that I can’t connect with people face to face. Creating this blog felt exposing and has been one of the most vulnerable things I have ever done. It’s not the fact that I have to share my story (trust me I have no problem telling my own dirt when it’s for a purpose) it’s more about that I don’t have a way to truly connect with the person I’m sharing with. A one-sided connection feels superficial and incomplete so I implore you to share back. Comment, respond and let me know what things you see clearly too.


Photo Credit: Ryanne Gordon