Seeing Me

The Process: Hoping to Believe



My older sister was a daredevil child. She masterminded all of our childhood adventures because something in her mind believed the laws of physics didn’t apply to her. Pain and failure weren’t formidable consequences and as long as we could keep the plan a secret from our mother, no other limitations mattered. Success was sure.

Some say we lose our childhood belief as we grow, but honestly, I never had it. I was a look before you leap type of kid. I never thought I could do it. I just always believed in her.

This year has seemed more unpredictable than most-filled with plot twists, silver linings, threats, and bad reports. You may be tired of keeping your head up. It may be hard to believe that things will change. So many are hoping that it will but do you truly believe?


The Process of Belief


Most of the disappointment in my life came from confusing hope and belief. I thought I believed but I didn’t look close enough. Hope is a wonderful thing, but so many times I used it incorrectly.


What I See Clearly

When we treat hope as belief we enter life with an underdeveloped weapon. Hope is a prerequisite for belief. It’s meant to beckon us forward but too often we stop there thinking it’s enough. We get beaten by life because hope is unmatured belief and it’s not meant to sustain us.


How do you develop hope into belief? You gather evidence. Belief does not ignore logic, it’s just not limited by it. Our evidence is sourced from the truth. If you are a believer then only considering logic and what you see is not considering all of the evidence. My evidence comes from scripture and my past experiences. What has my life shown me is true? What was the last impossible situation I came through? My life shows me the benefits and consequences of my belief track record.

They say belief can be fragile but it is only fragile if you don’t fortify it. Any argument is only as good as the evidence that backs it up. Belief is no different. For me belief is spiritual. It requires more spiritual grounding than logic. I must be convinced in my Spirit, not just my mind.


Questions I Ask Myself

  • What is the worst-case scenario if I’m wrong? Can I handle it?
  • What evidence supports that this is true?
  • What in my life must change if this is true?
  • What action does my belief require?


The biggest difference between belief and hope is action. Hope does a lot of thinking and talking but belief moves in a focused direction. We so often focus on the cost of being wrong about belief (putting ourselves out there and looking foolish, being disappointed, failing) but also consider the requirement of being right. The cost of rightness is response. You have to look at the evidence of belief and make a decision and that decision always requires change. Even if you decide not to believe and keep going as you are, something in you inherently changes.


A Message to You

Belief stretches us. It grows us. It decimates comfort zones and calls us into the deep. We dive in or stay on the sidelines. Belief is not passive. It’s intentional.

You can doubt what you think, but belief comes with the surety of knowing. If your belief can’t answer the question “why” then it is hope that never matured to belief. Belief is a decision that evokes action. It will breed faith or fear.



Locating Belief


The truth is not everything I hope for meets the threshold for belief because not every hope is tethered to the truth.  Hope is spurned by my wants and desires. It’s my wishlist for the future.

Belief comes when I find evidence that my hope is attached to God’s promise. The promise takes the pressure off of belief because it puts you in your rightful place. Belief is not strong enough to supersede God’s divine will. Its purpose is to posture and prepare me to receive the promise. The promise is what insulates my belief. It is the spiritual truth that can refute any human logic.


A Message to You

Please understand that you can’t go around cherrypicking promises and attaching them to things you’re hoping for. It doesn’t work like that. Your hope doesn’t change the promise, it’s meant to align with it. Misalignment will bring fear because your hope is not tethered to the truth. Untethered hope attracts fear but belief builds faith and opens the door for miracles.



Misplaced Belief


There have been many times the foundation of my belief has turned out to be a lie. My most popular one was ” this (whatever this was) is good enough. I don’t want more.” Complacency has been the biggest threat to my belief. So often I convinced myself that I was satisfied only to find that my supposed contentment was mislabeled denial. I didn’t want more only because I believed that more wasn’t an option.

I habitually let my belief die at the hope stage and it starved any desires for more that I had. Settling for less became familiar and I created a comfort zone around it.


A Message to You

When your belief has become misplaced like this it takes work to develop the appetite for belief and the stamina to realign it with the truth. When you have become conditioned to believe lies are the truth, you have to reshape your mind just to believe because unbelief is your default habit.


An Example of How

Since I have a blog it should be clear to see I have an affinity for words so affirmations play a huge part in growing my capacity to believe. I find scriptures that speak to the truth I’m trying to believe and I shape them into a mantra that I say to myself as often as I need to hear it. I know it has become truth to me when it starts to respond to my doubts. When it becomes my unconscious response, that is evidence that this promise has become truth to me.



The Power of Belief


So often we take our belief for granted and treat it like some casual thing. Belief is not common nor can it exist uncared for. It has to be fostered, grown, and developed. Unexamined belief ends up being focused in the wrong direction and the dangers of that extends from delays to death. The consequences can be catastrophic and it can jeopardize our destiny and salvation. Belief is powerful. It’s too important to treat carelessly.

You have to be intentional enough to answer the question “Why do I believe?” and keep answering it when it is clear that your belief is wavering. An unchallenged belief is not to be trusted. Knowing why is what fortifies it. Knowing why is what allows you to articulate it. It’s what gives it the stamina to spread to others and allows them to catch fire. Passion isn’t enough. Hope isn’t enough. Your belief is what can change this world. You have no idea who is waiting. Stop stalling. Get to work.



«Consider This»


If belief in God constitutes faith and faith in God can move mountains then it shows how powerful belief is, whether or not it’s focused in the right direction. Where is your belief pointed? Is it catalyzing you toward the life you want or handicapping you? I beg you to examine your belief and decide if it’s serving you well. Your future depends on it.

  • Has your hope matured to belief?
  • What changes do you need to make to put action behind your belief?
  • What is the hardest thing for you about the believing process?

Let’s have a conversation about this. Share your thoughts below.


  • Crystalon Daniels

    I’m going to have to ponder my answer. I believe I’m closer to hope versus belief..Sadly

    • ajones

      Honestly, in some areas, I think I’m closer to hope than belief too, but I think realizing that is the beginning of moving toward belief. I’ve found that the things that mean the most to me are the areas that I unconsciously hope more than believe, but I’m working on changing that.