Clarisee 101


Hello Clariseeker,

Clarisee is a community for those who want to see ourselves, God and others clearer to come together and share the truths we’ve discovered along this journey to clearer sight. Although we may be committed to the same goals we all have different ways of communicating and interacting. So here are the ground rules for our discussions.

Rules of Engagement


1. Be Open

This site is designed to be a community but it doesn’t work without you. Be open and honest about your journey to clearer sight. Share what you’ve learned, where you are now and what you’ve been through. You never know who you might help.


2. Clear Not Correct

The goal of this blog is to for you to focus on clearing your sight, not for you to correct the sight of others. Although we want to help each other on this journey, there is a fine line between offering your opinion and forcing it. Be careful not to cross that line.


3. We Are All Learning

Your perspective is just that- YOUR perspective. None of us are experts. We are all in the process of figuring this out. God is the only one that’s right about everything. Always remember that although we may feel we are seeing clearly that there may be something left for God to reveal to us in that area. And He may use another Clariseeker to do it. We can learn from each other if we have an open mind. Iron can sharpen iron in this community, but we have to allow that to happen. Don’t let pride stop you from reaching a new level of understanding.


4. Let Love and Discernment Lead You, Not Pettiness

I love a good petty comeback like the rest of us (pray for me), but this is not the place for it. When you arrive here, sit your pettiness on the shelf and make sure that you are operating in love. Before you respond to someone else take a beat for self-examination.

  • Is my comment remotely petty or does it sound like I have an attitude?
  • Did I write this without praying or using discernment?
  • Will this comment lead to an argument or possibly cause harm to the other person?
  • Does my comment end with a sarcastic “Be Blessed?”

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” then you may be operating in the “Imma Get You Together” spirit and you need to have a seat. Handling each other with care is more important than you being right and until you can operate from that truth then you will do more harm than good to others. Let God lead you. Double-check that what you are saying to any Clariseeker (including me) is motivated by love and spoken at the right time. Examine yourself before you examine others.


5. Agreement is Not Mandatory

We don’t have to agree with each other. This is a place to share the things that you believe are true, not for you to argue your point. If God allows each of us to freely choose him then allow other Clariseekers that same courtesy. If you offer your opinion and they don’t accept it let them be. My mother always told me that “You’ve got to know when to stop talking to that person and start talking to God.” Once it’s clear that that person isn’t hearing you it may be best to shut up and take it to God. Pray for them but don’t try to force them to see from your perspective. Give God the space and time to work on that person in the timing that He deems necessary. Be content planting the seed. Don’t try to control someone else’s journey to clearer sight.


6. Safety is Your Responsibility

Keeping Clarisee a safe place for discussion is a responsibility of every Clariseeker. Each person has the right to speak about their experience without feeling like they will be attacked. Let’s do our part to make sure no one feels this way so that conversation can flow freely. Show respect. Be as protective over the rights of other Clariseekers to speak on their experiences as you are about yours. Never assume that you see it all and never discount the perspective of another Clariseeker. We are all in different places in this journey to clearer sight and our blind spots are not all the same. This is why we need each other. Protect the community. We are not against each other. We are in this together.



Photo Credit: Ryanne Gordon